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Npc House System

ith this system, it is now possible to have NPCs and monster statues in your House!
These are items that when used on the floor of the House turn into an NPC.

The NPCs available so far are Xodet, Banker, Traveler, and Grizzly Adams and the monsters are Ferumbras and Mummified Mummy.

It is possible to obtain these items both in-game and in our shop, consult a staff member or visit our SHOP to learn more.


Not possible to create NPCs at the house doors.
⇢ You can only talk to the NPC while inside the house.
⇢ To remove, just 'use' or use a pick/shovel or similar item on the NPC.
⇢ You can rotate a monster statue by attacking it, selecting the side you want it to face.
⇢ If Protect House is active, only the house owner can remove or add NPCs. However, all invited players can interact with the NPC.
⇢ If there are many NPCs close to each other, use the attack option to interact with the desired NPC.
⇢ In case of ServerSave, maintenance, connection drops, or any type of server interruption, upon return the NPC will be in its last defined state, whether as a doll or physical NPC.

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