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Ogre Ruffian (Show on the map) back

Experience: 5000
Speed: 430
Life: 5500

Summonable: false
Convinceable: false

Armor: 102
Defense: 102

Items drop
* Item Max. Chance * Item Max. Chance
Flowers 5 4.32% Dirt Floor 5 4.32%
Muddy Floor 5 4.32% Dirt Wall 5 4.32%
Trapdoor 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stalagmites 5 4.32% Stalagmites 5 4.32%
Trapdoor 5 4.32% Stairs 5 4.32%
Stone Tile 5 4.32% Sandstone Floor 5 4.32%
Stone Tile 5 4.32% Stairs 5 4.32%
Wooden Floor 5 4.32% Wooden Floor 5 4.32%
Wooden Floor 5 4.32% Time Tile 5 4.32%
Hole 5 4.32% Ramp 5 4.32%
Hole 5 4.32% Ramp 5 4.32%
Lava 5 4.32% Tar 5 4.32%
Sandstone Floor 5 4.32% Mountain 5 4.32%
Rocks 5 4.32% Mountain 5 4.32%
Archway 5 4.32% Mountain 5 4.32%
Flat Roof 5 4.32% Tiled Roof 5 4.32%
Wooden Roof 5 4.32% Chess Board 5 4.32%
Mill Board 5 4.32% Tic-tac-toe Board 5 4.32%
Brick Wall 5 4.32% Framework Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Sandstone Wall 5 4.32%
Sandstone Roof 5 4.32% Broken Wall 5 4.32%
Metal Wall 5 4.32% Metal Wall 5 4.32%
Sandstone Wall 5 4.32% White Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Archway 5 4.32% Ornamented Wall 5 4.32%
Wall Fountain 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Ornamented Wall 5 4.32% Paravent 5 4.32%
Ornamented Wall 5 4.32% Wall Fountain 5 4.32%
Lava Wall 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Framework Window 5 4.32% Brick Window 5 4.32%
Stone Window 5 4.32% White Stone Wall Window 5 4.32%
Sandstone Window 5 4.32% Sail 5 4.32%
Rudder Of The Boat 5 4.32% Stone 5 4.32%
Stone 5 4.32% Stone 5 4.32%
Fountain 5 4.32% Water Basin 5 4.32%
Draw Well 5 4.32% Marble Fountain 5 4.32%
Mill 5 4.32% Gravestone 5 4.32%
Stone Coffin 5 4.32% Buried Coffin 5 4.32%
Campfire 5 4.32% Campfire 5 4.32%
Campfire 5 4.32% Sign 5 4.32%
Street Sign 5 4.32% Sign 5 4.32%
Gargoyle Statue 5 4.32% Pedestal 5 4.32%
Cobra Statue 5 4.32% Cobra Statue 5 4.32%
Street Lamp 5 4.32% Coal Basin 5 4.32%
Wooden Railing 5 4.32% Stone Railing 5 4.32%
Fence 5 4.32% Fence 5 4.32%
Sandstone Railing 5 4.32% Sandstone 5 4.32%
White Stone Railing 5 4.32% Metal Railing 5 4.32%
Big Table 5 4.32% Counter 5 4.32%
Counter 5 4.32% Table 5 4.32%
Table 5 4.32% Table 5 4.32%
Altar Stone 5 4.32% Throne 5 4.32%
Throne 5 4.32% Bench 5 4.32%
Sofa 5 4.32% Wardrobe 5 4.32%
Bookcase 5 4.32% Wooden Coffin 5 4.32%
Big Wine Cask 5 4.32% Oven 5 4.32%
Red Carpet 5 4.32% Oriental Carpet 5 4.32%
Tapestry 5 4.32% Mirror 5 4.32%
Banner 5 4.32% Painting 5 4.32%
Picture 5 4.32% Wall Mirror 5 4.32%
Wall Mirror 5 4.32% Wall Mirror 5 4.32%
Picture 5 4.32% Purple Tapestry 5 4.32%
Green Tapestry 5 4.32% Yellow Tapestry 5 4.32%
Orange Tapestry 5 4.32% Red Tapestry 5 4.32%
Blue Tapestry 5 4.32% Cuckoo Clock 5 4.32%
White Tapestry 5 4.32% Wolf Trophy 5 4.32%
Orc Trophy 5 4.32% Behemnot Trophy 5 4.32%
Deer Trophy 5 4.32% Cyclops Trophy 5 4.32%
Dragon Trophy 5 4.32% Lion Trophy 5 4.32%
Bloodspot 5 4.32% Cobwebs 5 4.32%
Flowery Wall 5 4.32% Mossy Wall 5 4.32%
Mossy Wall 5 4.32% Mossy Wall 5 4.32%
Switch 5 4.32% Book 5 4.32%
Book 5 4.32% Book 5 4.32%
Book 5 4.32% Pool 5 4.32%
Table Lamp 5 4.32% Wall Lamp 5 4.32%
Bird Cage 5 4.32% Pumpkinhead 5 4.32%
Rubbish 5 4.32% Rubbish 5 4.32%
Skull 5 4.32% Wooden Trash 5 4.32%
Metal Trash 5 4.32% Spell Rune 5 4.32%
Spell Rune 5 4.32% Spell Rune 5 4.32%
Spell Rune 5 4.32% Spell Rune 5 4.32%
Bowl 5 4.32% Locker 5 4.32%
Coal Basin 5 4.32% Altar 5 4.32%
Sacrifical Stone 5 4.32% Altar 5 4.32%
Sacrifical Stone 5 4.32% Tic-tac-toe Token 5 4.32%
Dead Tree 5 4.32% Dead Tree 5 4.32%
Cactus 5 4.32% Cactus 5 4.32%
Water Lily 5 4.32% Rose Bush 5 4.32%
Swamp Plant 5 4.32% Mushrooms 5 4.32%
Slain Ghoul 5 4.32% Dead Minotaur 5 4.32%
Dead Minotaur 5 4.32% Dead Minotaur 5 4.32%
Dead Cyclops 5 4.32% Dead Human 5 4.32%
Dead Dog 5 4.32% Dead Dragon 5 4.32%
Ladder 5 4.32% Wooden Floor 5 4.32%
Floor 5 4.32% Stone Floor 5 4.32%
Strange Carving 5 4.32% Strange Carving 5 4.32%
Ornamented Floor 5 4.32% Ornamented Floor 5 4.32%
Strange Carving 5 4.32% Stone Roof 5 4.32%
Strange Carving 5 4.32% Strange Carving 5 4.32%
Wooden Tile 5 4.32% Stone Stairway 5 4.32%
Stone Roof 5 4.32% Wooden Roof 5 4.32%
Stone Roof 5 4.32% Wooden Flooring 5 4.32%
Ground 5 4.32% Jungle Grass 5 4.32%
Ant Trail 5 4.32% Rock 5 4.32%
Wooden Roof 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Bamboo Wall 5 4.32% Stone Archway 5 4.32%
Bamboo Wall 5 4.32% Bamboo Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Archway 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Grass Wall 5 4.32%
Grass Wall 5 4.32% Grass Archway 5 4.32%
Liane 5 4.32% Palisade 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Waterfall 5 4.32%
Small Boat 5 4.32% Sail 5 4.32%
Paddle 5 4.32% Boat 5 4.32%
Stone 5 4.32% Stones 5 4.32%
Stone 5 4.32% Mossy Stone 5 4.32%
Stone 5 4.32% Large Cauldron 5 4.32%
Statue 5 4.32% Dried Well 5 4.32%
Poison Well 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Huntress Statue 5 4.32% Lantern 5 4.32%
Bamboo Fence 5 4.32% Bridge 5 4.32%
Bridge 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Bamboo Wall 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Bookcase 5 4.32% Bamboo Shelf 5 4.32%
Bookcase 5 4.32% Bookcase 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Hay 5 4.32%
Bear Skin Rug 5 4.32% Hung Cloak 5 4.32%
Cloth Wall 5 4.32% Fishing Net 5 4.32%
Big Footprint 5 4.32% Cloth Wall 5 4.32%
Tiger Skin 5 4.32% Cup 5 4.32%
Garbage 5 4.32% Crane 5 4.32%
Thorn Bush 5 4.32% Bush 5 4.32%
Plant 5 4.32% Jungle Umbrella 5 4.32%
Bamboo Plant 5 4.32% Tree 5 4.32%
Tree Stump 5 4.32% Skinny Branch 5 4.32%
Wild Vines 5 4.32% Liana 5 4.32%
Tree 5 4.32% Titans Orchid 5 4.32%
Weeds 5 4.32% Meadow Star 5 4.32%
Dew Kisser Flowers 5 4.32% Velvet Petal 5 4.32%
Pearl Flower 5 4.32% Mushrooms 5 4.32%
Moldy Mushroom 5 4.32% Mushrooms 5 4.32%
Log 5 4.32% Vine 5 4.32%
Jungle Maw 5 4.32% Log 5 4.32%
Tree Stump 5 4.32% Branch 5 4.32%
Log Covered In Moss 5 4.32% Red Carpet 5 4.32%
Rocks 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Mountain 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Rocks 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Rocks 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Dirt 5 4.32% Swamp 5 4.32%
Swamp 5 4.32% Snow 5 4.32%
Swamp 5 4.32% Sand 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Dirt 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Mountain 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Dirt 5 4.32%
Stairs 5 4.32% Botanist's Container 5 4.32%
Swamp 5 4.32% Ship 5 4.32%
Ship Cabin Wall 5 4.32% Ship Cabin Wall 5 4.32%
Ship Railing 5 4.32% Mast 5 4.32%
Sail 5 4.32% Steering Wheel 5 4.32%
Rudder Blade 5 4.32% Mast 5 4.32%
Hawser 5 4.32% Cleat 5 4.32%
Exotic Butterfly 5 4.32% Hawser 5 4.32%
Ship Cabin Wall 5 4.32% Ornamented Wall 5 4.32%
Lava Wall 5 4.32% Skull 5 4.32%
Skulls 5 4.32% Burning Skull 5 4.32%
Magic Forcefield 5 4.32% Wooden Lamp 5 4.32%
Flat Roof 5 4.32% Stone Monkey 5 4.32%
Stone Cobra Head 5 4.32% Lava Wall 5 4.32%
Electric Sparks 5 4.32% Electric Iron Bars 5 4.32%
Lava Fountain 5 4.32% Stony Pond 5 4.32%
Furniture Package 5 4.32% Palm 5 4.32%
Framework Wall 5 4.32% Mango Tree 5 4.32%
Striped Marquee 5 4.32% Marquee 5 4.32%
Wooden Railing 5 4.32% Window 5 4.32%
Wooden Wall 5 4.32% Wooden Wall Window 5 4.32%
Wooden Plank 5 4.32% White Stone Wall Window 5 4.32%
White Stone Railing 5 4.32% White Stone Railing 5 4.32%
Wooden Railing 5 4.32% Wooden Pillar 5 4.32%
Sign 5 4.32% Tree 5 4.32%
Plant 5 4.32% Window 5 4.32%
Bamboo Lamp 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Rocks 5 4.32% Coral Reef 5 4.32%
Bubbles 5 4.32% Coral Reef 5 4.32%
Water Wheel 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Steering Wheel 5 4.32% Damaged Mast 5 4.32%
Damaged Mast 5 4.32% Damaged Ship Cabin 5 4.32%
Damaged Ship Railing 5 4.32% Damaged Ship 5 4.32%
Distillery 5 4.32% Chain Ball 5 4.32%
Torture Locker 5 4.32% Pillory 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Little Scope 5 4.32%
Wall Chain Cuffs 5 4.32% Straw Mat 5 4.32%
Pulley 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Cart 5 4.32% Sugar Cane 5 4.32%
Hay 5 4.32% Mossy Wall 5 4.32%
Small Branches 5 4.32% Slimy Wall 5 4.32%
Blue Carpet 5 4.32% Green Carpet 5 4.32%
Brown Carpet 5 4.32% Swords 5 4.32%
Catapult 5 4.32% Pirate Tapestry 5 4.32%
Pirate Emblem 5 4.32% Rubble 5 4.32%
Dirt Wall 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Dirt Wall 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Map 5 4.32% Water Source 5 4.32%
Pirate Statue 5 4.32% Treasure Chest 5 4.32%
Shells 5 4.32% Ballista 5 4.32%
Shark 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Ground 5 4.32% Fountain 5 4.32%
Wooden Flooring 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Turtle 5 4.32% Drawbridge 5 4.32%
Metal Fittings 5 4.32% Marksman Target 5 4.32%
Arrow 5 4.32% Target 5 4.32%
Stuck Axe 5 4.32% Dice 5 4.32%
Skull Candle 5 4.32% Melting Ground 5 4.32%
Gravel 5 4.32% Melting Ground 5 4.32%
Weapon Rack 5 4.32% Lance 5 4.32%
Weapon Rack 5 4.32% Scimitar 5 4.32%
Armour Rack 5 4.32% Rocks 5 4.32%
Swamp Source 5 4.32% Large Throne 5 4.32%
Electric Sparks 5 4.32% Sign 5 4.32%
Hole 5 4.32% Tree Wall 5 4.32%
Tree Wall 5 4.32% Roof 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Hole 5 4.32%
Tree Archway 5 4.32% Window 5 4.32%
Tree 5 4.32% Branch 5 4.32%
Bamboo Roof 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Branches 5 4.32% Flower 5 4.32%
Branch 5 4.32% Plant Archway 5 4.32%
Plant Wall 5 4.32% Plant Wall 5 4.32%
Leaves 5 4.32% Branches 5 4.32%
Brick Wall 5 4.32% Cracks 5 4.32%
Lava Wall 5 4.32% Cracks 5 4.32%
Debris 5 4.32% Bone Wall 5 4.32%
Bone Archway 5 4.32% Bone Window 5 4.32%
Bone Wall 5 4.32% Tree 5 4.32%
Branch 5 4.32% Framework Window 5 4.32%
Framework Window 5 4.32% Brick Window 5 4.32%
Brick Window 5 4.32% Stone Window 5 4.32%
Stone Window 5 4.32% Marble Window 5 4.32%
Tree Window 5 4.32% Tree Window 5 4.32%
Sandstone Window 5 4.32% Sandstone Window 5 4.32%
Bamboo Window 5 4.32% Bamboo Window 5 4.32%
Sandstone Window 5 4.32% Sandstone Window 5 4.32%
Stone Window 5 4.32% Stone Window 5 4.32%
Wooden Window 5 4.32% Wooden Window 5 4.32%
Planks 5 4.32% Debris 5 4.32%
Christmas Branch 5 4.32% Red Christmas Garland 5 4.32%
Christmas Garland 5 4.32% Christmas Garland 5 4.32%
Skeleton Decoration 5 4.32% Coloured Egg 5 4.32%
Tic-tac-toe Token 5 4.32% Roof 5 4.32%
Snow 5 4.32% Snow 5 4.32%
Snow 5 4.32% Snow 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Ice 5 4.32%
Shallow Water 5 4.32% Ice 5 4.32%
Icy Mountain 5 4.32% Ice Wall 5 4.32%
Frozen Wall 5 4.32% Igloo 5 4.32%
Snow 5 4.32% Frozen Wall 5 4.32%
Ice Archway 5 4.32% Ice Wall 5 4.32%
Fur Wall 5 4.32% Fur Wall 5 4.32%
Fur Wall Window 5 4.32% Fur Wall Window 5 4.32%
Barbarian Banner 5 4.32% Fur 5 4.32%
Snow 5 4.32% Wooden Wall 5 4.32%
Wooden Wall 5 4.32% Stone Base 5 4.32%
Stone Base 5 4.32% Stone Base 5 4.32%
Stone Base 5 4.32% Ice 5 4.32%
Archway 5 4.32% Strut 5 4.32%
Tusks 5 4.32% Hole 5 4.32%
Ice 5 4.32% Snow 5 4.32%
Ice 5 4.32% Ice Railing 5 4.32%
Wooden Railing 5 4.32% Mammoth Skull 5 4.32%
Mammoth Skull 5 4.32% Mammoth Fur 5 4.32%
Rope 5 4.32% Fish 5 4.32%
Wooden Dragon 5 4.32% Wooden Bull 5 4.32%
Wooden Yeti 5 4.32% Wooden Decoration 5 4.32%
Snowy Stone 5 4.32% Snowy Dead Tree 5 4.32%
Nordic Wall Window 5 4.32% Nordic Wall Window 5 4.32%
Ice Wall Window 5 4.32% Ice Wall Window 5 4.32%
Ice Archway 5 4.32% Ice Archway 5 4.32%
Frozen Mud 5 4.32% Wooden Railing 5 4.32%
Dirt Wall 5 4.32% Water Gazer 5 4.32%
Ice 5 4.32% Rail 5 4.32%
Cart 5 4.32% Emergency Bumper 5 4.32%
Bloodspot 5 4.32% Wooden Archway 5 4.32%
Ice 5 4.32% Frozen Chest 5 4.32%
Frozen Chair 5 4.32% Frozen Pendulum Clock 5 4.32%
Frozen Trough 5 4.32% Snowman 5 4.32%
Baby Seal Doll 5 4.32% Some Crack 5 4.32%
Raft 5 4.32% Raft 5 4.32%
Raft 5 4.32% Ship Rudder 5 4.32%
Figurehead 5 4.32% Spikes 5 4.32%
Shield 5 4.32% Shield 5 4.32%
Jug 5 4.32% Case 5 4.32%
Roof 5 4.32% Sled 5 4.32%
Husky 5 4.32% Stone Table 5 4.32%
Stone Throne 5 4.32% Ice Wall 5 4.32%
Ice Wall 5 4.32% Ice Wall 5 4.32%
Ice Wall 5 4.32% Ice Wall 5 4.32%
Frozen Human 5 4.32% Fire 5 4.32%
Ice Cream Cone 5 4.32% Searing Fire 5 4.32%
Sarcophagus 5 4.32% Crate 5 4.32%
Paper 5 4.32% Blue Bottle 5 4.32%
Fire Shrine 5 4.32% Ice Shrine 5 4.32%
Energy Shrine 5 4.32% Earth Shrine 5 4.32%
Coffin 5 4.32% Coffin 5 4.32%
Parchment 5 4.32% Spider's Web 5 4.32%
Spider's Web 5 4.32% Human Cocoon 5 4.32%
Coffin 5 4.32% Empty Coffin 5 4.32%
Buoy Line 5 4.32% Vase 5 4.32%
Tent 5 4.32% Giant Shimmering Pearl 5 4.32%
Rock Ground 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Gravel 5 4.32% Suspicious Documents 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Beach Chair 5 4.32%
Parasol 5 4.32% 5 4.32%
Astronomical Map 5 4.32% Ground 5 4.32%
Fiery Archway 5 4.32% Machine 5 4.32%
Picture 5 4.32% Shallow Water 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Sparkling Gems 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Bone 5 4.32%
Flowery Wall 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Rifty Earth 5 4.32% Rifty Earth 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Grass 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Cave Entrance 5 4.32%
Cave Entrance 5 4.32% Jagged Stones 5 4.32%
Jagged Stones 5 4.32% Strange Stone 5 4.32%
Strange Stone 5 4.32% Dragon Head 5 4.32%
Jagged Stones 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Hole 5 4.32% Hole 5 4.32%
Piece Of Broken Amulet 5 4.32% Trapdoor 5 4.32%
Stairs 5 4.32% Demon Oak 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Sand Dune 5 4.32%
Sand Dune 5 4.32% Dried Grass 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Dried Grass 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Tunnel Entrance 5 4.32% Skeletal Remains 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Knight Statue 5 4.32%
Brown Pavement 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Cracked Earth 5 4.32% Earth 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Decorated Stone Wall 5 4.32% Gem 5 4.32%
Buttress 5 4.32% Stone Pillar 5 4.32%
Closed Door 5 4.32% Closed Door 5 4.32%
Stairs 5 4.32% Skeletal Remains 5 4.32%
Mill 5 4.32% Brick Wall 5 4.32%
Dwarven Statue 5 4.32% Dwarven Statue 5 4.32%
Large Crystal 5 4.32% Crystal 5 4.32%
Crucible 5 4.32% Mould 5 4.32%
Steaming Hot Lava 5 4.32% Bellow 5 4.32%
Steaming Hot Lava 5 4.32% Muzzle 5 4.32%
Tool Parts 5 4.32% Furnace 5 4.32%
Wagon 5 4.32% Wagon 5 4.32%
Covered Wagon 5 4.32% Covered Wagon Handle 5 4.32%
Pile Of Rocks 5 4.32% Bundle Of Logs 5 4.32%
Pile Of Rubble 5 4.32% Demon Oak 5 4.32%
Sorcerer Statue 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Caged Wagon 5 4.32% Damaged Tree 5 4.32%
Damaged Palm Tree 5 4.32% Dead Tree 5 4.32%
5 4.32% Sparkling Gems 5 4.32%
Sorcerer Statue 5 4.32% Guardian Statue 5 4.32%
5 4.32% 5 4.32%
5 4.32% Oracle Figurine 5 4.32%
5 4.32% Dwarven Contraption 5 4.32%
Large Blackboard 5 4.32% Dead Tree 5 4.32%
5 4.32% Dirt 5 4.32%
Earth 5 4.32% Grass 5 4.32%
Wooden Wall 5 4.32% Frozen Mud 5 4.32%
Screw 5 4.32% Stone Ledge 5 4.32%
Oriel Window 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
White Marble Floor 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Closed Door 5 4.32% Closed Door 5 4.32%
Barrel 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Iron Floor 5 4.32% Wooden Floor 5 4.32%
Sun Clock 5 4.32% Vampire Bride Statue 5 4.32%
Golden Ornament 5 4.32% Copper Pipes 5 4.32%
Closed Door 5 4.32% Closed Door 5 4.32%
Archway 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Broken Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Railing 5 4.32%
Golden Ornament 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Slime 5 4.32% Golden Ornament 5 4.32%
Copper Pipes 5 4.32% Copper Wheel 5 4.32%
Boiler 5 4.32% Copper Pipe 5 4.32%
Golden Ornament 5 4.32% Stone Railing 5 4.32%
Small Tower 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Pile 5 4.32% Tapestry 5 4.32%
Heavy Wooden Chair 5 4.32% Tapestry 5 4.32%
Gate 5 4.32% Large Gem 5 4.32%
Small Gems 5 4.32% Wooden Floor 5 4.32%
Street Lamp 5 4.32% Large Well 5 4.32%
Statue 5 4.32% Old Carpet 5 4.32%
Acid 5 4.32% Burnt Wall 5 4.32%
Mosaik 5 4.32% Window 5 4.32%
Stone 5 4.32% Small Window 5 4.32%
Bloodspot 5 4.32% Ghost Charm 5 4.32%
Lit Wall Lamp 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Roof 5 4.32% Street Lamp 5 4.32%
Wall Lamp 5 4.32% Lever 5 4.32%
Old Carpet 5 4.32% Tapestry 5 4.32%
Stone Carving 5 4.32% Dracoyle Statue 5 4.32%
Dracoyle Statue 5 4.32% Bellow 5 4.32%
Crucible 5 4.32% Level 5 4.32%
Limestone Wall 5 4.32% Broken Limestone Wall 5 4.32%
Limestone Railing 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Limestone Pillar 5 4.32%
Limestone Wall 5 4.32% Limestone Wall 5 4.32%
Limestone Pedestal 5 4.32% Framework Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Framework Window 5 4.32%
Framework Window 5 4.32% Roof 5 4.32%
Pillar 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Statue Of Fafnar 5 4.32% Goddess Statue 5 4.32%
Sun Emblem 5 4.32% Pavement 5 4.32%
Wooden Floor 5 4.32% Pavement 5 4.32%
Carlin Shield 5 4.32% Serpent Shield 5 4.32%
Stone Ledge 5 4.32% Stone Pedestal 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Pedestal 5 4.32%
Pillar 5 4.32% Sand 5 4.32%
Limestone Window 5 4.32% Limestone Window 5 4.32%
Limestone Window 5 4.32% Pavement 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Dark Sand 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Snake Railing 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Pedestal 5 4.32% Snake Statue 5 4.32%
Dragon Statue 5 4.32% Snake Decoration 5 4.32%
Wall Lamp 5 4.32% Glowing Switch 5 4.32%
Dragon Statue 5 4.32% Window 5 4.32%
Sand 5 4.32% Sand 5 4.32%
Dead Plant 5 4.32% Floor 5 4.32%
Pillar 5 4.32% Pavement 5 4.32%
Bridge 5 4.32% Dragon Element 5 4.32%
Pillar 5 4.32% Dragon Statue 5 4.32%
Shrine 5 4.32% Dragon Banner 5 4.32%
Banner 5 4.32% Pepper Root Grass 5 4.32%
Trollhair Plants 5 4.32% Rattleleaf Bush 5 4.32%
Rattleleaf Bush 5 4.32% Part Of A Giant Stone Dragon 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Wall 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Floor 5 4.32%
Dragon Throne 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%
Dragon Throne 5 4.32% Dragon Banner 5 4.32%
Red Banner 5 4.32% Dragon Banner 5 4.32%
Large Spear 5 4.32% Dragon Banner 5 4.32%
Red Banner 5 4.32% Table 5 4.32%
Wall Lamp 5 4.32% Decoration 5 4.32%
Weapon Rack 5 4.32% Sand 5 4.32%
Dragon Statue 5 4.32% Dirty Sand 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Stone Railing 5 4.32%
Small Tower 5 4.32% Roof 5 4.32%
Stone Wall 5 4.32% Moss 5 4.32%
Stone Railing 5 4.32% Stone Pile 5 4.32%
Tapestry 5 4.32% Heavy Wooden Chair 5 4.32%
Brass Throne 5 4.32% Tapestry 5 4.32%
Eaves Gutter 5 4.32% Rain Barrel 5 4.32%
Gate 5 4.32% Stone Column 5 4.32%
Gate 5 4.32% Stone Column 5 4.32%
Gate 5 4.32% Stone Gargoyle 5 4.32%
Banner 5 4.32% Orc Trophy 5 4.32%
Trophy Of A Strange Fish 5 4.32% Trophy Of A Strange Being 5 4.32%
Bat 5 4.32% Candle 5 4.32%
Shield And Sword 5 4.32% Shield 5 4.32%
Skeleton 5 4.32% Archway 5 4.32%
Gate 5 4.32% Roof 5 4.32%
Large Glowing Gem 5 4.32% Statue 5 4.32%

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