Server Time: 16:01:50
Contentbox headline
he continent of Oramond is a very vast place, full of mysteries and hunting spots.
What is known about this place is that low levels are not very welcome, and besides several dungeons for teams, it also has some interesting mechanics.

Raids and Respawns
Some of the main mechanics of Oramond are handled by the NPC Marvin. With him, you can ask questions about the city and perform various interactions.
The raids in Oramond occur throughout the day, being:

Quaras: They occur randomly during the day. When active, a new quara respawn in the West region of Oramond begins, and stays for a certain time.
Glooth Factory: In this location there are 3 hunting spots, and at the time of the invasion, one of these 3 spots is randomly selected, and its respawn becomes 3x stronger.

After completing some missions, you can ask the NPC Xelvar to notify you when an invasion is occurring.
The catacombs have a varied respawn. This respawn is changed every day at server save. However, players who complete some missions (talk to Xelvar) and pay a fee, can change this respawn manually, with the respawn being changed in real-time.
To change the respawn, just talk to the NPC and ask about the Catacombs.

Shortcuts: You can use this parameter to change your access in Oramond, so when you enter the teleport (which leaves the boat), you will be taken directly to the city center!
Notifications: When dealing with Xelvar about notifications, you will be informed of what is necessary to receive messages whenever a Raid occurs in Oramond.
Exchange: With this parameter, you can change the respawn of the Catacombs.

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